Docker and Kubernetes Made Relatable - I

Docker and Kubernetes Made Relatable - I

Hi everyone! This is for all the developers out there who haven’t had a chance to but wish to get a good idea of K(ubernete)(8)s, and/or want to get their hands dirty with it. As a fresher in the software industry, Kubernetes was foreign to me. One year into the industry, I had a rudimentary understanding of what it was, but I still hadn’t had much interaction with it. Having had more interaction with using Kubernetes, now I find it is remarkably comparable to my experience as a developer. I couldn’t find an engaging, relatable course anywhere, so I made one.

And the Journey Begins!

This is a tale of an adventurous fresher on her first day at work. This is also an article on K8s, so bear with me. Applications: The developers who provide a predefined service to stakeholders

An application program (app or application for short) is a computer program designed to carry out a specific task typically to be used by end users. In a way, they relate with devs who carry out tasks to develop software to meet the needs of an end user.

How Do We Make Every Developer Independent and Effective?

Containers: The portable workspace kit for developers

Containers are a form of virtualization of operating systems. They are software executable units in which application code, together with its dependencies and configurations, is packed in such a manner that it may be run on any environment. They provide isolation of processes and optimise resource utilisation. They do not contain operating system images. As a result, they are lighter and more portable with much less overhead.

Think of containers like the work machines/laptops that can enable employees to be independent and deliver services effectively. They are portable, enable the employee to work from home or office, and have all the resources the employee needs to complete the tasks. They are also isolated, so the employee is not influenced by what others run on their machines.

It Starts With One Thing… the Onboarding Guide

Images: The onboarding guide/blueprint for using the workspace kit

To understand how Kubernetes works, we must familiarise ourselves with images. These images are a set of executable commands to build a container. They are immutable files, which is a snapshot of a container, making them guides or templates for containers. Images are layers of other images, each of which is derived from the preceding layer but differs in some way. When you start an image, you’re actually running a container of it. There can be many running containers of the same image.

Images can be related to the guide or manual which one uses for getting the work machine started. Or, think of it as the blueprint for creating a work machine in the first place :).

In the coming parts, we will explore how to get started with docker images and containers. Thanks for reading!

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